Instruction to insert a new game


A short title to characterize the game.

number of players

Maximum and minimum number of players. If the game can be played by an unlimitated number of players, please let 999 on maximum number.

age of players

Maximum and minimum age of players. If the game can be played by players of any age, please let 99 on maximum age. In any case it's better to specify the minimum age.

normal game's duration

Please indicate the normal duration of the game: 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes (30 minutes), 1 hour (60 minutes), 2 hours (120 minutes), etc.

name of the supplier

The name of the supplier of the game in the database (optional): it's not necessarily the name of the author of the game.

supplier's email address

The email address of the supplier of the game in the database (optional): can be useful if there are someone that wnats to ask more explanations on the game.


In games that have an ambientation, this one can be the description of a situation or a little introduction tell. For ex; in the Hhmh planet, far thousand light-years from the Earth, funny creatures lived and live today that...this help to create the atmosphere of the game and to justify the title of the game.


Game's rules: For example the players, divided in one or more teams, put themselves (...) at the animator whistle the first team (...) will be eliminated who (...).

the winner will be...

Often in games' descriprions it's not clear who will be win the game. In time games for ex. the player that completes the tests first will win; in other games the player who totalize more points will win etc.

necessary material

Please write a list of necessary material for the game as for ex. ; 2 cords, 12 glasses, 1 water-flower


Please specify if it's an outdoor or indoor game. One option doesn't exclude the other; it 's possible to play the same game outside or inside..

Kind of game

- in team: please mark if the players can be divided in teams; please don't mark if every player plays on his own;
- competition: please mark only if at the end of the game there will be a winner; some games don’t have a winner at the end, they only make moove and amuse the players... in this case please do not mark;
- joke: please mark if the game will play a joke on someone ( for ex. The mummy game, with the complicity of the other players.;
- big game: please mark if the game can be organized as a very binding game as to take a whole morning, afternoon, night... for example a treasure game but this is not the only.
- cleverness: to win it is necessary to have a great cleverness... for ex. you have to solve the riddles, to reveal the misteries etc.
- words: please mark if it is a game in which it is needed to say words that start with a specific letter or with the last letter of the precedent word;
- with paper and pen: please mark if it is a game that need to write or draw some things.
- music: it is a game that needs a particular culture or skill on music.
Music Culture; it is necessary to know the titles, the authors, but also the songs' lyrics ( any kind of music, church music or pop music).
Music skill; sometimes it is necessary to sing, to strike up without music, that is like the karaoke but it has often funny variants. ( for example to mime a song lyrics while you are singing it.). For this kind of games are utilized CDs, cassetts, but also midi files etc.

boy scout classification

a) observation games
These are games that test the ability of the kid to watch and to discover what surrounds him, that help the kid to improve his skill of passing from the observation to the deduction. Some Kim's Games are inside this category of games ( see below). The game \"Discover who is\" is inside this category: a kid has to watch the shoes of some players, then he goes out. A player lays down and is totally covered with a blanket except his feet. All the others have to hide. The player that has gone out, comes back and has to identify the other lying down player only seeing his feet;

b) perception games
these games develop the ability of the kid to use the senses of touch, smell and hearing. Some Kim's Games are inside this category of games ( see below). The game \"What has sung\" is inside this category: The players turn towards the wall. The leader-player puts some objects above a table and softly hits them with a stick one after the other. When the other players hear the noise, they have to identify the nature of every object by listening its noise (wood, iron, glass,...) and they have to write it in a paper. 1point for every identified material1 point pour chaque matériel idientifié. It is like a \"sound Kim\" ( see below)

c) Memory games
these games can be easily explained. The game "Telephone directory" is inside this category: The leader-player hang on the wall a long alphabetical list of telephone subscribers with their number, then he says a name. The players run to the list and look for the subscriber telephone number. Then they have to come back and repeat the number to the leader-player: 1 point for every right number.

d) Games of \"presence of mind\"
These are games that help the kid to develop his own quickness of action, and to make his own reaction time shorter. These games need presence of spirit because they need frankness. A player that is not brilliant can't succeed in this kind of games. The game \"sentences' relay\" is inside this category: The player have to divide in teams, every team has to put itself in single file Everyone has to be silent. With the starting signal the first player of every team will run with a pen and will write a word on a wall poster.. Always in silence, this player gives the pen to the second and so on. Every player adds a word that has to be linked to the precedent. The team that writes quickliest an understandable and complete sentence of no less than 8 words, will win the game. Who talks, dies!

e) Attention games
also these games can be easily explained.  The game \"The syllables\" is inside this category: the players put in a circle. The leader-player throws a ball to an other player saying a syllable, for example: \"Ta\". This player has to seize the ball and say a second syllable that together with the first, has to make a word. for ex.: \"ble\". Then the same player throws the ball to an other player sayin a new syllable. Every syllable that has been already said, makes lose a point, the same thing for every hesitation. The game has to be played very quickly.

f) Games of boy scout techniques
All the games that develop boy scout abilities, that are the abilities of living in forests, can enter in this category. ( more or less...). There are games that concern pioneers activity, Morse signals, first aid, bearings, topography, the expression..

g) Running and agility games
These games develop the ability in kids to take possession of their body as way to communicate to the others.. The game \"The running to the hats\" is inside this category: on one side of the playground you have to put, at the same distance, some hats, one less of the number of players; the players have to run from the opposite side of the playground to take one of the hats.. The player that arrives as the last, will remain without hat ( it is clear: is not necessary a nuclear engineering to demonstrate it!!!) and he will be eliminated. The game goes on with an other race, taking off a hat and eliminating an other player. The game goes on till it will remain only a hat and two players, who will take the hat will be the winner of the game.. In the palyground you can put some obstacles to overcome in such a way to make the running more difficult..

h) the games with the ball
As above-mentioned, stressing the sense of touch. A funny game with the ball is \"Knight tourney\": The playground has to be delimitated in two equal parts in the lenght by a cord that stays 1 mt above the ground thank to some sticks.. Every team choose a strong player that will be the horse and an other thinner that will be the knight. The other players are page-boys. With the starting signal, the knight mounts and he tries to strike the opposing knight with the cloth balls that the page-boys pass him; at the same time he has to avoid the blows of the other knight.. When a knight is struck by three little balls, thrown one after the other, is eliminated, and a page-boy takes his place becoming the new knight, and so on... The knight can eliminate a page-boy throwing him only a ball: The struck page-boy goes off the game. The page-boys have to pick up the little balls that go out their own playground ( outside the playground they can't be struck). The game goes on till the last page-boy becomes a knight. As there are no more page-boys to bring back the balls the last knight struggles dismounted from the horse, protected behind the horse that can't be eliminated. If also this dismounted knight is struck by three little balls running, the horse will struggle picking up the balls and throwing them. If the horse will be struck by three balls running, the team loses the game.

i) team games
These games develop the ability to live together with other people, to put rules, to establish together some strategies and to go towards the littlests: a mix of solidarity, strategy, sense of community.

j) the night games

k) The games in the city
like treasure hunt or similar games

l) the snow games

m) The games in the water

n) The big games
These are those games that start in the morning and they end in the evening, in which there are hints of some games of the categories above mentioned.

Kim's games
Kim's games are those games that develop the five senses and they concerns a lot of previous categories.
The classic Kim game concerns the sight: The leader-game puts 24 different objects on a table and he covers them with a sheet. Then he takes off the and lets for a moment to one or more players to watch them. Than he covers the table. The player/s has/have 5 minutes to write on a paper what they have seen. For every right object written: 1 point. who writes a no existing thing on the table loses 2 points.
Similar to this one is the \"Kim in transit\": the difference stays that the objects are in a box and they are showed when a they are moved to an other box. The contents of the boxes is not visible to the players. The two boxes are put on a table.
If you change the normal objects with pastels colors or drawing pens, the game becomes a \"Colours Kim\".
If you change the normal objects with objects with characteristic smells (tomato sauce, onions, nutella, alcohol, trichloroethylene, ...), put below the nose of the blindfolded players, the game becomes a \"Smell Kim\".
If you change the normal objects with objects with characteristic tastes (tomato sauce, onions, nutella, alcohol - ah the alcohol no! - hot pepper, coffee-beans...), and if you make the blindfolded players taste them, the game becomes a \"Taste Kim\".
If you change the normal objects with objects that, when you hit them they procuce a characteristic sound, that you make hear to blindfolded players, the game becomes a \"Sound Kim\"; ( \"Hearing Kim\"). The same happens if the leader player makes an action covered by a curtain ( for ex.: to cut a paper, to sharpen a pencil, to shave with electric razor, to pass glass-paper on wood....) and the other players that remain silent at the other side of the curtain have to recognize the action.
If the objects are not shown, smelt or tasted, but they are touched by the blindfolded players, the game becomes \"Touch Kim\".
and so on.
The famous "Kim" above-mentioned, is the character of the homonymous tale of Rudyard Kipling. He is Kimbal O'Ara, son of a sergeant of a irish regiment in India.

The \"Happy Family\" games
It is the environment that makes a normal game a "Happy Family" game. The environment which I refer to is the one of the rainy nights passed playing in a room, the one of a birthday party, it is the one in which the "recrational" and "funny" dimension is the most important. In this way also a Kim game can become a \"Happy Family\" game;. The same is for an attention or memory game etc.

Educational values
The game has always an educational meaning: Please specify here the values that the game would teach and experience to the ones that will live it.

We thank Simone Casadei for the boyscout consultancy.